Action Requested
- ‘Best of Flag 2024’ — Vote now through Oct. 26 for your best non-profit, other organization
- Children’s Action Alliance announces application open for second cohort of our annual Lived Experience Leadership Academy (LELA)
- City of Page conducting survey to better understand how residents receive, engage with important city information
- Community invited to take part in online conversation on Oct. 11 to support health and wellbeing of Latina mothers in Flagstaff
- Registration open for LGBTQ+ Child Welfare Southwest Virtual Convening Meeting on Oct. 30
- United Way of Northern Arizona seeking Youth Program Manager (full-time)
- United Way of Northern Arizona seeking Executive Assistant (part-time)
- United Way of Northern Arizona seeking Northeast Representative (part-time)
Editor’s note: The Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth shares news on action required from Coalition partners.
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