Lisa Coe, property administrator for the Flagstaff Mall, welcomes vendors and attendees to the 2024 Health and Wellness Fair.
By the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth
FLAGSTAFF — With more than 40 community health providers, children and family services and other nonprofits signed up to attend, the Flagstaff Mall provided families with a variety of information during its annual Health and Wellness Fair on Oct. 19, 2024 held on the westside of the mall.
A variety of organizations arrived early to set up information tables at the mall, before parents and children arrived for the opening at 10 a.m.
Some of the community partners in attendance included: APEX Hyperbarics, Arizona Dept. of Economic Security, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Flagstaff, The Bluffs of Flagstaff, Cancer Support Community Arizona, The Chiropractic Joint, Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth, Dr. Justin Phillips, LAc. — Neuroplastic Acupuncture Method, Flagstaff City-Coconino County Library, Flagstaff Family Food Center, Flagstaff Hypnotherapy, Friends of Coconino County Parks, Forging Youth Resilience (FYR), Harmonizing Healthcare — Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine, High Country Humane, Hushabye Nursery, Keystone, Mariposa — Healing with Faith, Mission and Madness, The Movement Baton Twirlers, Native Americans for Community Action (NACA), NACOG Aging, Northern Arizona Massage & Wellness, Northern Arizona Healthcare, Northern Arizona University, Northland Family Help Center, Northland Hospice, Sleep REMedies, The Peaks, Raising Special Kids, Trails of Life and Wellcare,