A Positive Affect on the Community
The Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth is committed to collecting data and voice related to our initiatives. Outcome measures inform the success of a given event or project, but they also, guide future planning and improvements.
Northland Family Help Center
Northland Family Help Center is proud to be an organizational member. The Coalition has provided numerous training opportunities that support our staff to be more effective and resilient in their work. CCC&Y has supported the community to have an understanding of the history of social services, how we can deeply inquire about the “casework as usual” practice and to elevate analysis of our assumptions as helpers in the community towards greater respect and effectiveness. This support makes Northland staff better able to partner with those individuals and families that we serve. In CCC&Y, we have space to offer our particular experience and insight as victim service providers, we are a part of a broad network of both professional expertise and community voice, and we are able to truly grow and become better as an organization.

2019 CAP Conference
This conference changed my life! I am a 30 year teacher that works with a high risk population […] I was feeling hopeless and worn out […] Laura van Dernoot Lipsky saved my life! I have renewed energy and hope and feel good about what I am doing once again. The meal was fantastic, the flutist was fantastic and loved Dr. Yellowman. Thank you for an amazing experience in every way!
This conference was the best conference I have attended in my 30+ years in the field of Social Work in Arizona. It was HIGHLY VALUABLE.
First Things First
“Children who have positive early childhood experiences tend to score higher on school readiness assessments and are more likely to do well in school and graduate. To do so, First Things First and CCC&Y partner together to support early childhood and address childhood trauma. CCC&Y provides the resources and expertise needed to create strong systems working to change the lives of children in Coconino.”

Valuable Learning Opportunities
Year after year, I can count on the coalition to provide incredibly valuable learning opportunities with diverse, experienced, and knowledgeable presenters leading the field.
It has always been rewarding throughout the years to watch and realize what has been, and continues to be, accomplished by the Coconino Coalition for Children and Youth. Through their sponsorship and collaboration of various programs, the organization constantly supports our children and youth, along with their families and the communities of Coconino County. The Coalition realizes that with their support, children and youth will build for us a better world.
Girl Scouts – Arizona
I would say Girl Scouts – Arizona Cactus-Pine Council are members for two reasons. First, as a youth serving organization it connects us with others in the community and keeps us informed of issues that are impacting the youth of Coconino County, especially during times of great pressure on youth and their families. The second reason is to support the coalitions efforts. As a membership organization, we understand that active involvement is critical for our ongoing success and impact.