First we learn to understand our emotions and then we can understand and respond to the big emotional responses of children. These videos are meant to help support our community. Having the tools to take care of ourselves and respond to children,...
CCC&Y Topics
Helpful webinars from CCC&Y and other professionals.
Thriving Families
This quick overview video is a great starting place for parents, caregivers and community members brand new to topics such as brain development, adverse childhood experiences, resilience and mindfulness. It is a great jumping off place to go...
Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences: Hope in Resiliency
We created this hour-long webinar because the effects of childhood trauma play out both personally for individuals, but also, have tremendous costs for society.
Comprehensive Analysis of Historical Trauma
These webinars to go deeper into understanding trauma and healing especially concerning historical experience. This training further takes into account current issues and experiences.
Self-Healing Communities with Kevin Campbell
This piece is an argument for moving toward the scientifically-based call to action of participation, truth and community healing.
Igniting Collective Action: Moving Beyond ACEs
This hour-long training explores the roadmap to creating change at the community and system level by using the findings of both leadership research and today’s thought leaders.
There is much healing to be had, mindful choices to be made, and support to our community.
Youth Mindfulness Challenge
This 45 min webinar empowers youth and young adults with information to grow, heal, thrive and/or otherwise flourish.
Strengthening Families: Protective Factors
We look through a strength-based framework that is evidence-based, supports families and is prevention focused. This is for the community, as well as, professionals.
Bullying and Cyberbullying
An exploration of the causes and effects of bullying that is research based, connects the issue to both childhood trauma and later substance use.