Strengthening Families: Protective Factors

Apr 20, 2021 | Webinars

We hosted this 1.5 hour webinar to ensure we look through a strength-based framework that is evidence-based, supports families and is prevention focused. This is for the community, as well as, professionals.

Claire Louge, Prevention Child Abuse Arizona

“I was so surprised that I could use the information in a lot of work that I do and not just with youth and families. It is truly amazing how it related to just every day life. It was great!!”

“The reminders to look for strengths in everyone, even yourself.”

“Presenter was engaging! Expressive!”

“Appreciated the new perspective on the the protective factors from the trainer. Good examples and activities.”

“Great work, one of my favorite presenters!”

Watch WebinarStrengthening Families-Protective Factors